"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


A Look Back: The Role of Christian Churches in Two Pandemics

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus a year ago, numerous comparisons have been made between this pandemic and the infamous 14th-century bubonic plague. While the black death had a higher mortality rate than coronavirus, and scientific knowledge has made us far...

The Lockdown Paradox

On a warm December morning in Sarasota, Florida, people throng the local Wawa, pouring coffee, ordering breakfast and exchanging morning pleasantries. The only evidence of a pandemic are plastic shields in front of the cash register and the ignored “masks required”...

Enlightened Cooperation: Why Libraries Work When Welfare Doesn’t

Amidst a global pandemic and an economic recession, the American people are in need. Not just for human connection but also public assistance. Stimulus checks and unemployment benefits have led to mixed results and polarization threatens any further federal aid. It is...

Peace in the Midst of Politics

It’s no secret that politics has been growing more contentious, and the events of this year have seriously exacerbated that trend. In the light of the coronavirus pandemic and the tragic murder of George Floyd, our public square is filled with suspicion, vitriol, and...

Desiring Community: A Lesson from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Like many students who attended a Christian college or university, I read Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer for the first time during my freshman year of college. At the time, I was several weeks into a study away...