"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Can COVID-19 help us find what we’ve been searching for?

As a society, we have been practicing physical distancing and respecting stay-at-home orders for about a month and a half, and I have to admit, I have run out of ideas to keep myself busy during my time at home. I have baked countless pies, cookies, and loaves of...

The Power of Local

With the uncertainty of quarantine dictating our current social norms, a looming question many of us face going forward is this: how do we re-engage in society post-isolation with purpose and meaning? Put another way, to revise and reconsider Thoreau’s famous dictum:...

The Stories We Tell Ourselves: An Optimistic View for Graduating During a Pandemic

I’m writing this from a local coffee shop in my hometown. Today is the first weekday they’ve been open for anything like normal hours in a number of weeks. I wanted to frequent this place during my last month of undergrad, but I have not had that luxury. I’ve had to...

We Will Feast Again: Reflections on Holy Week During a Pandemic

As this extreme Lenten season comes to a close, I have had numerous thoughts flitting about my mind on how the coalescing of Lent and the pandemic have shaped my understanding of technology and community. Below are two insights that I hope will form me far beyond this...