"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


The Insufficiency of Identity

The modern Western world gives incredible value to identity. Without an identity, you will not have peace. You will be either a mindless husk of a person, absorbing whatever happens to come down your gullet, or tossed by the winds of harsh modernity. Therefore, the...

The Christian and Ideology

The last few decades of American politics have seen a widespread increase in polarization and partisanship. Much of this is explained by the prevalence of ideology in today’s public square. Adherents to opposing worldviews claim an inability to agree on so much as...

How Nationalist Endeavors Polarize

This decade has seen a sharp rise in nationalism internationally ranging from the ideological, such as President Donald Trump’s political platform, to the legally enforced as seen with Brexit. Yet, despite attempts at national unification, parallel movements of...