"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Political Theory

We Need a Just War Theory for Domestic Politics

Collin Slowey was a 2020-2021 Young Scholar Awards Program recipient. He is a graduate of Baylor University. Domestic politics in the United States have become increasingly warlike. The American public exhibits stark divisions and widespread rancor, and perhaps most...

The Christian and Ideology

The last few decades of American politics have seen a widespread increase in polarization and partisanship. Much of this is explained by the prevalence of ideology in today’s public square. Adherents to opposing worldviews claim an inability to agree on so much as...

Recoding Choice: How Germline Gene Editing Impacts Conceptions of Freedom

We don’t really have a choice but to assume everyone else has the freedom of choice. Our justice system, our statutes, and our American Dream largely tell of the person who chose to respect or break the social contract and to succeed or fail. But from time immemorial,...

Confucius and the Right of Resistance

From the Magna Carta to John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau, Western tradition is saturated with the idea that individuals have the right to resist tyrannical oppression. Our American heroes, history, and political attitudes make the challenging underdog a...

2019 AEI Summer Honors Program

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE 2020 SUMMER HONORS PROGRAM. The American Enterprise Institute’s Summer Honors Program is a series of educational and professional development opportunities in Washington, DC, for top undergraduate students. Students in the program...