"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


It’s the Little Things: How Committing to Smallness can Renew America’s Social Fabric

Mary Kathryn Daigle was born and raised in a historic, inner-city neighborhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Living among old buildings that housed modern problems made her interested in the study of history and political science and she currently studies these...

Where Did Our Trust Go?

In my previous blog post, I made the argument that a free market system relies on relationships of trust in order to coordinate the abilities of producers to serve the real needs and wants of consumers. However, there is a non-trivial sense in the American public...

A Church for the “Nones”

The decline of church attendance among millennials is a framing issue of the modern world, reflective of the changing structure for our society. To understand the drop in church affiliation among millennials, which is viewed as a symptom of the increasing...

Problems Recruiting a Reverend? An Economic Perspective on the Market for American Clergy

Grant Seiter was a 2018-2019 Young Scholar Awards Program recipient. He is currently a senior at Baylor University, majoring in economics and finance. An increasing number of American pastors such as Ed Young, Rick Warren, and Joel Osteen have amassed sizeable incomes...