"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Legally Elsewhere: The Unpredictable Due Process Protections Accorded to Arriving Immigrants at America’s Border

At any moment, tens of thousands of arriving immigrants are imprisoned within the United States without constitutional due process protection. Though held in immigration detention centers deep in the United States interior, these individuals—who arrive at America’s...

A Third Article on Impeachment

The recently concluded impeachment proceedings involving President Donald J. Trump have prompted many opinions and observations, some less valid or less accurate than others. Americans, and indeed all of humanity, display a continual willingness to believe that their...

Emergency Powers for Climate Change

In case of a national emergency, the United States government must, in a quick and focused manner, react. Because an orderly response is most likely to come from one voice—the commander in chief—emergency powers fall into the lap of the president. But over the last...

Investing in Service: Professionalization Effects on the Provision of Constituent Service

Despite the political media’s focus on the various legislative battles taking place in state capitols all across the country, policy and legislative work are only one part of a state legislator’s job description. State legislators are also responsible for helping...