"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Common Good #3 – Jay Richards

On this edition of Values & Capitalism’s “Common Good” podcast, our guest is Dr. Jay Richards, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and author of New York Times bestsellers “Indivisible” and “Infiltrated,” and Templeton Enterprise Award winner “Money, Greed,...

Why You Shouldn’t Have Your Life Figured Out

Is your career trajectory planned out? Did you write your ten year plan in high school? Maybe you’ve known the answer to “what do you want to be when you grow up” since you were 6? Are you the girl with the Pinterest board of her dream wedding? Or maybe you had become...

Steady Faith: How Life Is Like a Plane Ride

I was more jittery than usual on a recent flight. With every bump, dip, and change of incline, I felt twinges of genuine fear. If you’re anything like me, at 30,000 feet a small lurch due to turbulence can have you envisioning catastrophic engine failure and a...