"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Authoritarian Capitalism: Here to Stay?

In 1962, Milton Friedman questioned whether “democratic socialism” could exist. His answer was no—at least not in a sustainable way. Today, with the economic rise of countries like China and India that embrace capitalism but remain politically autocratic, we might ask...

When It Comes to Entrepreneurship, Culture Matters

“Culture is one of the most precious things a company has,” said Herb Kelleher, the founder of Southwest Airlines. So it is with countries and cities looking to foster entrepreneurship. A recent study of startup rates in the United States and Great Britain found that...

Let Them Eat Capitalism

Clive Crook, a columnist at BloombergView, recently challenged what he calls the “Aspen Consensus,” a set of unquestioned assumptions by the Intellectual Class that capitalism is a “morally tainted enterprise.”  Such a view, Crook finds, is held most fervently and...