"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Take Up and Read

Seventeen centuries ago, a child’s song recharted the life of one Saint Augustine of Hippo. “Tolle, lege,” the child sang, “Tolle, lege—take up and read.” Sitting under a fig tree, heavy with grief and fatigue, Augustine dragged himself to his feet and did as the...

Material Political Ends and Immanent Christianity

As American politics has become more polarized, American Christians have followed suit. On the left, many progressive Christians embrace socialist ideas and semi-revolutionary tactics as the most effective means of achieving social justice. On the right, post-liberals...

Toil and Angst: A book review of “On the Road with Saint Augustine” by James K.A. Smith

The disarray of post-graduate life left me in existential and theological angst. Why was transitioning to working full time in a city of opportunity at my dream first job so difficult and spattered with discontentment? Why were all of my friends, also working jobs...