"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Prof. Brian Brenberg Named Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor

Brian Brenberg, associate professor of business and economics at The King’s College, has been named the Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor for the 2017–2018 academic year. In this position, which rotates annually (and has previously been held by Dr. Stephen...

Dr. Stephen Smith Named Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor

Dr. Stephen L. S. Smith, professor of economics at Hope College, has been named the Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor for the 2016–2017 academic year. In this position, which rotates annually (and was previously held by Dr. Gregory Thornbury), Dr. Smith will...

Defenses and Critiques of Markets 2015: A Seminar with Dr. P.J. Hill

On February 19-22, 2015, amidst snow-covered hills in northern Virginia, Values & Capitalism’s team partnered with Wheaton economics professor (emeritus) P.J. Hill in hosting our second annual faculty colloquium, “Markets: Defenses and Critiques.” The weekend was...

Defenses and Critiques of Markets: A Faculty Seminar with Dr. P.J. Hill

Despite heavy snowfall and flight delays, ten V&C faculty network professors traveled to Middleburg, VA on February 14-16 for a weekend seminar with Dr. P.J. Hill, Wheaton College professor emeritus of economics and senior fellow at The Property and Environment...