"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Posts by Alexis Hamilton

Alexis Hamilton is a graduate of Davidson College in North Carolina and The University of Georgia School of Law. She is a former assistant editor for The American and likes to spend her limited free time watching old courtroom dramas, running, boxing and, of course, cheering for the Dawgs. All writings and opinions are her own and do not reflect the opinions or policies of any employer.
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What I Might Say to Your 'Friend on Welfare'

A great post from Joy Pullmann last week asked for opinions on how 17-year-old high school students could respond biblically to one of their friends, “Julia,” who seems to get $800 per month from an entitlement program to spend however she chooses. It is suggested...

Give Me Your Tired and Poor, But Not Your Sick and Elderly

Since 2009, Washington’s Death with Dignity law has allowed terminally ill individuals to commit medically assisted suicide by obtaining a prescription for a lethal overdose from their doctors. Now, according to Wesley J. Smith’s recent post on his Human...