"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems: Faith in a Consumerist Society

The song Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems by Notorious B.I.G. has always held a special place in my heart and on my iPod, mostly because I find humor in such a terrible song proclaiming such raw truth. The hit is elementary, but speaks volumes to the human condition. With great...

Authorities, Submission and “We The People” (Part 1)

I hope that it is clear from (and in) my on-going “Bible & Economics” series that my entire goal is to articulate how I—a young evangelical who takes his faith and duty as a citizen of a free nation—arrived at being entirely comfortable calling myself a...

Bankruptcy and Brimstone

Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell. -Frank Borman, former American Astronaut, former CEO of Eastern Airlines This quote is quite popular with people on the right and on the left when talking about bankruptcy. Its potency comes from the...